Creating both patient and caregiver-centric healthcare spaces is at the forefront of our mission, fostering healing environments that prioritize comfort, wellbeing, and harmony.
With almost 50 years of experience studying healthcare environments, SOF and MillerKnoll understand what’s important to you. We know you need a seamless and efficient process for your projects, flexible and adaptive solutions, and an environment that provides a safe and positive experience for staff, patients, and guests. Guided by a unique three-pronged approach, we make it easy for any healthcare facility to deliver great care.
Our human-centered approach and insights into people, process, and place drive results that satisfy patients and let healthcare providers do their best work.
Because change is inevitable, we create facilities which anticipate change. Our adaptive solutions deliver consistent results and lower your total cost of ownership.
Our diverse portfolio allows single sourcing. That saves time and reduces complexity, helping facilities open faster and generate revenue sooner.
Most of our healthcare clients are members of x, y and z and so is Herman Miller. Enjoy your member discounts and a relationship your contract enables us to have, where your price/cost is defined in advance.