
Our relationships with work and the workplace have changed forever

Where you are now and where you want to be


What motivates people to come into the office today? 

74% of employees surveyed want to collaborate, build camaraderie, and facilitate in-person meetings

16% of employees surveyed are seeking out a quiet space to focus on getting work done
10% of employees surveyed come into the office to put in facetime with management

Places that matter

Within any flexible approach to workplace, it’s important to create places that matter to your people

Places that matter start with people

Understanding how people perceive the world is a prerequisite for creating places that matter.

Places that matter strengthen community

We can shape places to strengthen connection by facilitating activities that bring people together.

Places that matter feel inclusive and personal

The expression of a place should be based upon the unique cultures, communities, and individuals who will use it every day.  

Places that matter get better over time

When we create places that matter, we invest time, thought, energy, and emotion as well as capital in their continuous improvement.

New ways of working

Creating better work experiences in the office, at home, and elsewhere


Space Types to Support Interactions




Communities at work

Community Socialization – Spaces that strengthen community through informal interactions

Community Assembly – Spaces where people from different groups can work alone or together

Groups at work

Group Meeting – Spaces where people from the same group can connect and share information

Group Collaboration – Spaces in which groups can cycle between working alone and together 

Individuals at work

Individual Restoration – Spaces for respite, self-care, and reflection

Individual Focus – Spaces for individuals to work without distractions

Work from home

The home office is a critical piece of supporting the work experience for hybrid workers.

Next steps

Getting started with place design

1. Engage your people in dialogue about their work experience.

2. Leverage feedback from conversations with your people to inform workplace strategy.

3. Contact SOF to begin the conversion of how we can make the vision come to life.


Contact Us


328 Selleck St
Stamford, CT 06902