
Laboratories and Pharmacy

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Our laboratory designs are carefully crafted to meet the unique needs of healthcare facilities.

We understand the critical role laboratories play in delivering quality patient care and advancing medical research. Whether it’s a clinical laboratory, blood lab, research laboratory, specialized diagnostic facility or in-house pharmacy, we have the expertise to create tailored solutions that meet your specific requirements.

Safety is our top priority when it comes to laboratory design. We adhere to rigorous safety standards and regulations to ensure the well-being of laboratory staff and compliance with industry guidelines. Our laboratory solutions include proper ventilation systems, robust containment measures, and specialized equipment to handle hazardous substances and maintain a controlled environment and of furniture providers for proper labeling to help prevent mistakes.

Efficiency and functionality are key considerations in our laboratory designs. We optimize workflow by carefully planning the layout, incorporating ergonomic workstations, and strategically locating equipment and storage areas. Our solutions promote efficient collaboration and communication between laboratory staff, enhancing productivity and accelerating research and testing processes.

We understand the importance of flexibility in laboratory spaces. Our designs allow for easy reconfiguration and expansion as your needs evolve. We provide modular furniture and adjustable storage solutions that can be adapted to changing research requirements, ensuring your laboratory remains versatile and adaptable.

We prioritize quality, durability, and sustainability in our laboratory solutions. Our materials and finishes are selected for their longevity and resistance to chemicals and wear. We also offer eco-friendly options and energy-efficient solutions to minimize the environmental impact of your laboratory facility.

Create a world-class laboratory facility with our exceptional solutions. Explore our range today and transform your healthcare facility into a hub of scientific innovation and discovery. BTW and our solutions are also on your contracts!


Contact Us


328 Selleck St
Stamford, CT 06902